EXP3 LUMION ANIMATION https://youtu.be/8VLkHhXbT7E EXP3 MOVING ELEMENT 1 the diamond hole can be lidded by the red wall on comtrol ' closed open 2 mental hole EXP 3 LUMION IMAGES elevation back side ground floor plan rest area meeting room Overview EXP 3 3D MODEL 36TEXTURES 18 SKETCH PERSPRCTIVES one two EXP3 THEORY I aim to build an open space that shows overlap and angled environments. It can build a harmonious relationship between design and environm 5 WORDS ANGLED , OPEN,SCALAR,OVERLAP,TWISTED EXP3 ARTICLE Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry origanial source : http://www.archdaily.com/441358/ad-classics-walt-disney-concert-hall-frank-gehry The hall’s planning committee conceived of the project as a civic amenity, hoping it would serve as a catalyst in
2 Architectural Concepts Peter Zumthor Material expresses its natural quality . A cavernous building. Outside and Inside have a clear distinction. Natural materiality. The light and shadow. Mies Van Der Rohe Glass materials are used widely for the transparency. Some elements like water and snow are part of the materials . Interior and exterior spaces can be defined through abstractions. Space is open . Rendering environment . 18 Sketch Axonometrics 36 Custom Textures (Light - Shadow) Light Rail Stop Lumion su model 3D Ware house <iframe src="https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/embed.html?mid=af50be89-5